Publication Ethics
Turkish Journal of Sports Science is an open-access interdisciplinary academic periodical publishing high quality, original research and review articles. It encourages new scientific research by sharing innovations, applications and current information in sports sciences with readers and researchers. Articles submitted to the Turkish Journal of Sports Sciences must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent for publication. Studies submitted to the Turkish Journal of Sports Science must comply with ethical and scientific standards.The scientific, ethical, and legal responsibilities of the published articles belong to the author(s) and do not reflect the views of the editor, editorial board, and editorial board members. Turkish Journal of Sports Science, has adopted the International Ethical Publishing Principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). In addition, the Turkish Journal of Sports Science applies the publication principles determined by DergiPark under the roof of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM. The guidelines prepared in accordance with these principles are presented below:
Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
Turkish Journal of Sports Science is a journal published in the field of Sport Sciences with the management of publication board or editorial board since 2017. The journal advocates for the publication of scientific studies in adherence to ethical principles and operates on a non-profit basis.
• The publisher must use its communication power without any individual interest and correctly guide its target audience.
• It protects the ownership and copyright of every work published within its organisation and undertakes the task of archiving every published product.
• The publisher provides open, electronic and free access to the journal on the journal's web page.
• Publisher guarantees editorial independence, respect the peer review process and disclaims being involved in editorial decisions.
• Publisher guarantees to publish the volume and issues on a timely basis.
• The publisher guarantees to maintain the integrity of the scientific work.
• Publisher conducts the relationship rules between publisher, editors and third-parties in any contract, protects intellectual property and copyright, respects privacy and supports editorial independence.
• People should not hesitate to contact the publisher when encountering an unethical situation.
The Responsibilities of Editorial Board of Turkish Journal of Sports Science
The Editorial Board of the Turkish Journal of Sports Science is responsible for every article submitted to the Journal and even all processes after its publication, the Editorial Board knows this responsibility. This responsibility is based solely on the public interest in decisions on journal-related matters; it requires making decisions independently without considering personal benefits. The relationship between the Publisher and the Editorial Board is based on the principle of independence, and all decisions made by the editors are independent of the publisher and other persons and organizations.
• Editorial Board is strives to continuously improve the journal and increase its publication quality.
• Turkish Journal of Sports Science editors are responsible for implementing and carrying out the publication policies of the journal.
• Applying double-blind peer review method and evaluation process policies adopted by the journal, keep the identity information of the reviewers confidential, providing with objective and timely evaluation for each article.
• Turkish Journal of Sports Science editors are responsible for assigning the manuscripts to reviewers who have expertise in the related research fields.
• Turkish Journal of Sports Science editors carry out the editorial review of the submitted manuscript entirely based on its scientific merit regardless of the author's gender, age, sexual orientation, race, citizenship, ethnic background, religion, political view, and institutional affiliation.
• Turkish Journal of Sports Science editors, editorial board members, and editors' assistants may not expose any information publicly about the submitted manuscript to anyone except the corresponding author and the publisher.
• Turkish Journal of Sports Science editors are responsible for the peer-review process of the manuscripts and make the last decision on which manuscripts will be published based on the reviewers’ and editorial board members’ comments.
• The Editorial Board protects the copyright of the authors of the articles published in the Turkish Journal of Sports Science.
• The Editor and Editorial Board should pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles and reject the article in the absence of ethics committee approval.
• Turkish Journal of Sports Science editors are responsible for tracking reviewers' and editorial misconduct. When ethical complaints have been presented concerning the submitted or published manuscripts, Turkish Journal of Sports Science editors should take measures in line with the journal's policies.
Responsibilities of Referees
Turkish Journal of Sports Science applies the principle of two-way blind reviewing in the article evaluation process. The reviewers cannot communicate directly with the authors, and the manuscript evaluation forms and correction requests are sent to the author(s) through the editor and/or editorial board via the Dergipark management system. Ethical responsibilities of reviewers:
• Reviewers should only accept manuscripts related to their area of expertise.
• They should evaluate all manuscripts fairly, based on their content, without regard to the author's gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship or political values.
• Reviewers should refuse to evaluate the manuscript and inform the editor if there is a conflict of interest/conflict of interest with the authors.
• Referees should use academic and constructive language while evaluating the manuscripts and should avoid insulting personal comments.
• The referees should send their opinions on the articles they accept for evaluation to the editor and editorial board within the deadline given to them.
• Keep all information about the manuscript confidential.
Turkish Journal of Sports Science reviewers can state the following four decisions for the submitted manuscripts:
• Accept for Publication
• Revisions Required (Accept with minor revisions: Revisions are checked by the editors)
• Resubmit for Review (Major revisions: It will be reviewed for the second round)
• Reject (It is not recommended for publishing)
Based on the reviewers' decisions third or fourth reviewer can be assigned. In such a case, the same process of review will be performed.
Ethical Principles for Authors
Authors have an important role in the academic publishing process and must ensure the accuracy and integrity of scientific information by strictly following ethical guidelines and editorial policies. Authors' responsibilities include:
• Authors should guarantee that their work is their own and original. It should not have been previously published elsewhere and should be submitted only to Turkish Journal of Sports Science.
• Authors should submit their manuscripts only to one journal at a time. Authors should be aware that submitting the same article to more than one journal at the same time creates unethical publishing behaviour and it is unacceptable.
• Authors must confirm that the Publisher retains all the copyrights unconditionally and indefinitely to distribute the published manuscripts.
• Material taken from other sources (including their own published writings) should be clearly indicated and appropriate permissions should be obtained.
• Author(s) must refer to the sources that they use during the production of the article appropriately in the light of ethical principles.
• Authors must ensure that their work does not violate the rights of others, especially privacy and intellectual property rights.
• Authors should ensure that the data they present are accurate and not manipulated.
• Authors should clearly indicate any actual or potential conflicts of interest when submitting their manuscript.
• Author(s) must provide information regarding ethics committee approval of their articles which require quantitative or qualitative data collection such as experiment, survey, scale, interview, observation, focus group study with the name of the ethics committee name, decision date and issue in the first and last pages and in the method part. They must also submit an ethics committee approval document to the system.
• If the research is on humans and animals, it must be pointed out that the research was conducted in accordance with the international declarations, guides etc. (Helsinki Declaration).
• Authors should notify the editor immediately when they become aware of errors or inaccuracies in their work, whether or not it has been published.
• In case information about the article or raw data is requested from the authors during the evaluation process, the requested information must be provided by the author(s) to the editor.
• Authors must accurately state their authorship status of the manuscript. The individuals who does not contribute to the article must not be included in the article as author(s); changing the author order of the article or adding new authors or excluding an author must not be offered after submitting the article. During submission, the names of the authors must be uploaded to the system by the correspondent author. The Journal Editor Committee do not make any changes on the system.
In the scope of the protection of human and animal rights, the Turkish Journal of Sports Science adopts the exact convenience principle of national and international ethical rules and principles. The authors are responsible for the compliance of the manuscripts with the ethical rules.
• The research team and participants should be fully informed about the aim, methods, possible uses and requirements of the research and risks of participation in research.
• Research participants should participate in the research voluntarily, not under any coercion.
• The research team and participants should be fully informed about the aim, methods, possible uses and requirements of the research and risks of participation in research.
• Any possible harm to participants must be avoided. The research should be planned in such a way that the participants are not at risk.
• The independence of research must be clear; and any conflict of interest or must be disclosed.
• In experimental studies with human subjects, written informed consent of the participants who decide to participate in the research must be obtained. In the case of children and those under wardship or with confirmed insanity, legal custodian’s assent must be obtained.
• If the study is to be carried out in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained from this institution or organization.
• In studies with human subject, it must be noted in the method’s section of the manuscript that the informed consent of the participants and ethics committee approval from the institution where the study has been conducted have been obtained.
In the articles evaluated in Turkish Journal of Sports Science Ethics Committee Approval is needed for the following items:
• Research conducted in qualitative or quantitative approaches which require data collection from the participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, and/or experiment techniques,
• Using humans or animals (including material/data) with experimental or other scientific aims,
• Clinical research on humans,
• Research on animals (Experimental animals: Mice, Rats etc...)
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.
Other Actions Contrary to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics
Acts against scientific research and publication ethics are as follows:
Plagiarism: Presenting the original ideas, methods, data or works of others as one's own work in whole or in part without citation in accordance with scientific rules,
• Forgery: Using non-existent or falsified data in scientific research,
• Distortion: Falsifying research records or data obtained, showing devices or materials not used in the research as if they were used, falsifying or shaping the results of the research in line with the interests of the persons and organisations receiving support,
• Repeat publication: Presenting duplicate publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,
• Slicing: Dividing the results of a research into parts in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and inappropriately and publishing them in more than one number and presenting these publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,
• Unfair authorship: Including people who have not made active contributions among the authors or not including people who have made active contributions, changing the order of authors in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, removing the names of those who have made active contributions from the work in subsequent editions, using his/her influence to have his/her name included among the authors even though he/she has not made active contributions,
Research Management Plan And Involving Vulnerable Groups
Vulnerable groups research must be conducted in accordance with the WMA Helsinki Declaration, Articles 19 and 20, and approved by an ethics committee decision by the legal authority.
Protective measures: In studies involving vulnerable groups, special safeguards should be put in place to protect the rights of participants. These measures should aim to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of participants.
Procedure for consent: Consent must be obtained from participants in a manner appropriate to the nature of the research and the participant’s situation. In particular, consent must be obtained from parents, legal guardians or an appropriately authorized person in the case of underage participants or persons with limited abilities.
Informed consent: Participants should be given full informed consent that includes information about the purpose of the research, the procedures, the potential risks and benefits. Participants should have full access to all information before participating in the research.
Confidentiality: The confidentiality and privacy of participants from vulnerable groups must be carefully protected. Participants’ personal data must be treated confidentially and used only in the context of the research.
Duty to report: Researchers are obliged to report any suspicion of abuse, exploitation or neglect to the competent authorities. This reporting is essential to ensure the safety and welfare of participants.
Ethics committee approvals: For research involving vulnerable groups, you must obtain the necessary approvals from ethics review committees. These approvals ensure that the research meets ethical standards and protects the rights of participants.
Scientific Quality: The scientific quality of research conducted with vulnerable groups must be in accordance with the standards of the Helsinki Declaration, ICH, and the Human Rights and Biomedicine Convention. This means that the research must be well-designed, the research protocol must be properly implemented, and the methods for compiling and analyzing the data must be valid.
Social Benefit: The fundamental criterion is that the interests of the volunteers who participate in the research should take precedence over the social and scientific benefits. It is expected that research conducted with vulnerable groups will provide social benefits.
Plagiarism Policy
The submitted work must have a similarity rate of 15% or less. Similarity report is obtained from “ ”. If the study is produced from a "Thesis (Master/Ph.D."), the author must be specified in the Title Page Form. In addition, the extended version of the "presentations presented in congresses" should be specified in the Title Page form when sending. Block similarity will not be accepted within the text of the article.
Copyright Policy
All publishing rights of the works accepted for publication belong to the institution publishing the journal. However, the works published in the journal can be used, copied, reproduced and adapted, provided that they are non-commercial, properly cited and comply with the licensing terms mentioned above. The opinions and suggestions in the published studies are the sole responsibility of the authors. No royalties are paid for the articles published in the journal. The author(s) agrees that:
• The manuscript submitted is his/her/their own original work and has not been plagiarized from any prior work,
• All authors participated in the work in a substantive way and are prepared to take public responsibility for the work,
• All authors have seen and approved the manuscript as submitted,
• The manuscript has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere,
• The text, illustrations, and any other materials included in the manuscript do not infringe upon any existing copyright or other rights of anyone
This Copyright Agreement Form must be signed/ratified by all authors.
Conflicts of Interest
• Authors should declare any (institutional, financial, personal and academic) conflict of interest at the time of submission.
• Referees should inform the journal editor and withdraw from the article process in case of any (institutional, financial, personal and academic) conflict of interest that prevents them from evaluating the article.
• In order to prevent conflicts of interest in the article evaluation process, our journal pays attention to the fact that referees and authors do not work in the same institution.
• In order to prevent conflicts of interest in the evaluation process of the articles sent to our journal by our board members (Editor, Editorial board member, etc.), the roles of the authors in our journal are suspended until the process of the relevant article is completed and they are not allowed to see the process.
• The editors of our journal do not take part in decisions regarding articles written by themselves or their family members.
Complaints & Appeals Policy
Editors must examine the complaints from authors, reviewers or readers and respond to them in an explanatory and enlightening manner. Complaints about any published material will only be accepted within 2 months of the date of first publication. In case of any complaint and/or appeal, authors are required to send their complaints to the editorial office via e-mail address together with their justifications.
Open Access Policy
Turkish Journal of Sports Science is an open-access journal. Open Access is the availability of publications online to everyone free of charge and with few restrictions on reuse. The unrestricted dissemination of research is especially important for authors, readers and funders. The Journal grants all users permission to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to, index, scan, export to software as data or use for any other lawful purpose. No fee is charged to the author(s) for publishing their article(s). Readers can download the journal content free of charge for academic or educational use. The following conditions must be observed:
• Attribution: You must give proper credit, link to the licence and provide information if changes have been made. You may do these things appropriately, but this does not imply that the licensee approves of you and your use.
• Non-commercial: You may not use this material for commercial purposes.
• There are no additional restrictions: You may not impose legal conditions or technological measures that would legally restrict the use of the permissions provided by the licence.